Cute Little Patches

Cute Little Patches
In the photo above, you will notice that there are some cute little white patches on my face. Those patches are known as vitiligo patches. There are millions of people who have these patches, but not many people are aware of it. So, in this article I am going to cover three things that I wish I had known sooner about having vitiligo.
Number 1:
I wish I would have known sooner that my skin does not have to hold me back from the life I love. I thought in order to attract the kind of relationships I wanted in life, I had to have perfect skin. I thought that because I didn’t have so-called ‘perfect’ skin set by society, that meant I had to put my dreams on hold until I had perfect skin. And that’s when I realised that this is not the truth - all of us are worthy and already good enough.
We don’t need perfect skin to feel good about ourselves. We do not need to be defined by what is deemed to be ‘perfect’ by society. You are already worthy and good enough, regardless of any skin condition.
Number 2:
Sometimes when I am in public, and people are staring, I often think that this is evidence that something is wrong with me. These situations would really make me feel uncomfortable. So, I have decided to choose a more helpful way of thinking: I assume that they are curious because they haven’t seen vitiligo before. My skin is definitely not a reflection of my worth or my value.
Number 3:
Sometimes, my vitiligo doesn’t show up in photos, which makes me feel guilty or like an imposter who’s trying to put on an appearance of being perfect. I wanted to share that with you all, because I realised that whether or not I cover my skin, it doesn’t really matter. I am still the same person. I deserve to feel comfortable in my own skin, to not feel guilty or like an imposter, or to have any negative emotions. Regardless of how I show up, I am still amazing and I am still the same person!
