How Mattxiv Changes The Internet

How Mattxiv Changes The Internet
Matt Bernstein, known as Mattxiv on Instagram, is a 22-year old photographer and make up artist based in New York. He is also a LGBTQIA+ activist and is best described in his own words as a “queer jew fairy in stilettos”. His posts mostly consist of colourful make-up looks, outfits and nails, followed by a political statement made by him or others in the form of tweets, TiKToks and also memes and/or links to articles. The initial photo introduces the context to help people better understand the statements that follow, whilst also keeping a humorous tone.
To get to know his work a little better, take a look at his post from the 21st of April 2021. The photo is focused on one side of his face where we can appreciate his beautiful eye make-up but, more importantly, what he has written on his cheek: “What parts someone has between their legs is none of your f***ing business”. The statement is in relation to the bill that was introduced in Florida on April 14th 2021, which bans trans girls and women from playing in high school collegiate teams and also allows schools to request a genital inspection if there is suspicion that someone might be trans. In the slide that followed, he shares an article headline as well as tweets and a list of States that have introduced anti-trans bills in 2021.
People like Matt are not only incredibly inspiring but also highly important social media voices. His Instagram page creates a safe space especially for queer people. It draws attention to the problems queer and other minority groups have to face on a daily basis and makes sure people know it must not be tolerated. Matt reaches a lot of people who, in turn, connect with one another and who make up a LQBTQIA+ support circle on various group chats. This is especially helpful for people whose environment might not allow them to express themselves freely or might not be accepting of their colourful selves.
Matt truly is one of the people who help make social media a better place by creating, in his own words, “beauty but make it political”.
