How to Glow Through the Winter Months

How to Glow Throughout the Winter Months
Throughout the cold months of winter you may find that the harsh winds, wet weather and cool air dries your skin, lips and hair, which is not what anyone wants. This year especially you may find your hands are dryer than usual with the amount of hand sanitiser you are most likely using.
Here are five top tips to keep your skin glowing throughout the cold months:
1. Lip balm
Your lips too get chapped a lot more throughout winter. Mine certainly do. You might find that they are even dryer this year, as one of the only things we can actually do when meeting up with people not in our support bubble is go for a walk outside. You will, therefore, likely find yourself caught up in the cool air and harsh winds. Anyone that knows me knows I don’t leave the house without Carmex! Make sure over these next few months you top up on your lip balms.
2. Exfoliate
This is also more important during the winter months, so be sure you find and use an exfoliator that suits your skin. I myself exfoliate my face only twice per week as I have sensitive skin. As well as keeping your lips moisturised with lip balm, don’t forget to exfoliate your lips throughout these cold months.
3. Moisturise
Do not forget to moisturise! It’s best to moisturise all year round, but if you don’t then make sure you do so during the winter months. Pay particular attention this year to moisturising your hands, as excessively using hand sanitiser to prevent the spread of Covid-19 will be making our hands dryer than usual. I found that my hands were dry even during the summer from the constant use of hand sanitiser.
4. Hair Masks
You may find in winter that your hair feels dryer than in the summer months. The constant wind, cold and wet weather will not be helping this. Make sure you find the right hair mask for you, whether that be for dry or damaged hair; you will find it conditions your hair and will most certainly make it feel healthier.
5. Find a routine
If you are someone who dedicates time in the morning and night to your skin care routine, this will definitely help your skin glow throughout these cold months. But if you have the same skin care routine through winter as you did through the summer, you might find it less effective because your skin will be dryer throughout winter. Even if the only difference is swapping your moisturiser for a heavier night-time product, you will notice the difference. This is a change that I make when we start heading for the colder months. Not only does keeping a routine help my dry skin, but I also find it reduces my breakouts too!
4. Hair Masks
You may find in winter that your hair feels dryer than in the summer months. The constant wind, cold and wet weather will not be helping this. Make sure you find the right hair mask for you, whether that be for dry or damaged hair; you will find it conditions your hair and will most certainly make it feel healthier.
5. Find a routine
If you are someone who dedicates time in the morning and night to your skin care routine, this will definitely help your skin glow throughout these cold months. But if you have the same skin care routine through winter as you did through the summer, you might find it less effective because your skin will be dryer throughout winter. Even if the only difference is swapping your moisturiser for a heavier night-time product, you will notice the difference. This is a change that I make when we start heading for the colder months. Not only does keeping a routine help my dry skin, but I also find it reduces my breakouts too!
