Feelin' Fresh

How To Keep A Healthy Vagina
The good bacteria in your vagina are very important because they can stop bad bacteria from overgrowing, which can cause infection or disease.
The vagina is slightly acidic. Soap and perfumed products can reduce the acidity and in doing so can reduce the healthy bacteria and actually cause your vagina to smell.
Believe it or not your vagina is self-cleaning! It is designed to produce fluid, which can be clear, white or creamy in colour. This fluid keeps your vagina clean, moist, healthy and prevents infection. It is referred to as discharge, which is a completely normal function of your vagina.
If your discharge is particularly heavy, especially at certain times of the month, then a thin panty liner can be used to protect your underwear from staining. Changes in your usual discharge can occur as part of the normal fluctuations in hormones during your menstrual cycle. If the colour or amount changes considerably this could be due to an infection.
Signs of an infection: smelly discharge, yellow or green in colour, irritation or itching. If you have any of these symptoms, do not ignore it as you may need treatment. You can order an online home testing kit or visit your local sexual health clinic which you can find using the links below.
If you have any of the above symptoms there is a link below to get a free testing kit online or you can visit your local sexual health clinic or pharmacy.
Common vaginal infections include: Thrush, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea
Thrush is not a sexually transmitted infection. It can cause a thick white discharge like cottage cheese and it is usually associated with itching and irritation and may cause a burning sensation when you pass urine.
BV is not a sexually transmitted infection. It can cause a thin watery discharge which is grey-white and typically has a ‘fishy smell’.
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection which can cause no symptoms at all. If it does, you may notice a change in your normal discharge, pain when you pass urine or bleeding after sex or in between periods.
Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection and many people do not have any symptoms but it can produce a thick green or yellow discharge, pain on peeing and bleeding between periods.
Free testing kits are available online –

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