Pop Culture

Molly-Mae Body Shaming
Body shaming on social media is something nobody should have to go through. It is outrageous and should not be happening at all. How can this be considered acceptable in today’s society?
"Dear me, if i'd a bum like that
I wouldn't flaunt i'd hide it."
We are so brainwashed by the media, that people feel it is okay or even feel it is their right to make such awful comments. We are so conditioned into thinking we must look perfect, when somebody does not fully fit the criteria, they are publicly shamed. We cannot emphasise this enough, NO BODY looks naturally perfect, and by judging someone for being who they are, says a lot more about the person saying it.
What consequences does this have for the person being body shamed, and what consequences does this have for the rest of us? We lose ourselves, our own unique identity as well as our humanity. We lose sight of what is important and suffer consequences such as lack of confidence, low self-esteem, not feeling good enough, and increased suicide rates amongst girls.
Celebrities are paying thousands of pounds to look perfect, and are constantly being airbrushed and photoshopped, all while this reality is hidden from us. It is driven by consumerism and is a clever way of making us spend our money on things we don’t need, while losing the essence of what is really important. Lockdown has given us a taste of what is most important to us and has shown us that we can survive without superficial things that do not contribute to our true happiness. It is all of our responsibility to be conscious about what comes out of our mouths and the potential damage it can cause others.
Why do we think it is not okay to be normal?
What is normal anyway?
If you share IAB’s view that body shaming is shameful, why not let us know by leaving a comment below?
Lizzo Shuts down body shamers
“It may come as a surprise to some of y’all that I’m not working out to have your ideal body type. I’m working out to have my ideal body type. And you know what type that is? None of your f***ing business!”
Lizzo believes she is beautiful and strong and does not take on other people’s opinions. This is a healthy attitude and one we should all strive towards.
She describes how health is not just on the outside, but also and more importantly what happens on the inside and she suggests that instead of forming opinions of others we should concentrate on ourselves.
She states that we should not judge people “on whether they drink Kale smoothies or eat McDonalds or work out or not” as it is more important to be healthy in your mind than just look the part.
She ends her powerful diatribe with “Health is not just determined on what you look like on the outside it is also what happens on the inside and a lot of y’all need to do a f***ing cleanse on the inside. Namaste, Have a nice day.”
Brave and beautiful by our standards!
Natural beauty is a trend that should always be championed but one that is continually challenged by mainstream images. A world that embraces our natural beauty, flaws, imperfections and all, is a world we should all want to live in. Makeup and filters are great, but nothing beats feeling comfortable in your own skin.
Multi-award-winning artist, Alicia Keys, has been leading the way over the last few years in rocking makeup free living and has received mixed reactions to her choice to challenge society’s ‘idea’ of beauty. In 2016, Alicia Keys decided she would go makeup free for her album cover photo shoot; an unprecedented move for a star trying to promote herself looking her ‘best’. Alicia has said to have felt a sense of empowerment and strength that she would have never imagined. Reporting how beautiful and free she felt for the first time in her life.
During the shoot, Alicia apparently felt a shift in her outlook, which further inspired a feeling she discovered whilst writing one of the songs on her album, “When a Girl Can’t Be Herself”. The song describes days when she didn’t feel like wearing makeup, but also the anticipation that the world would not accept her if she didn’t. There is definitely a conflict between the image the world expects of her and the image she has of her own beauty.
Alicia bravely went on to fully embrace a makeup free journey. She has continued to use her platform to show how important it is to love yourself unconditionally… with or without makeup.
The NO makeup movement saw the singer attend high profile events and walking the red carpet armed with her natural glow. This left the nation to not only wonder whether or not she felt as confident alongside her peers who were in full makeup glam, but also pushed them to question, debate and challenge their own ideas on using makeup.
"I don't want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing."
Alicia has been clear that she is not anti-makeup, that she does still wear it on occasions, and that it is not really a makeup or no makeup conversation, but more about who we are on the inside and allowing ourselves to choose without feeling pressure to wear it. Who we are on the inside is not about what we wear on the outside, and how we feel about ourselves should not be defined by what we look like. Makeup is simply another accessory, not something we must feel to constantly cover ourselves up with or hide behind.
Alicia’s no makeup looks are real and raw. She has skin break outs just like everyone else, but she has found a confidence that means regardless of this, her natural skin is what she chooses to embrace and how she feels most comfortable. Owning and honoring her truth in a world that pushes us to conform to a particular idea of beauty, is powerful, brave and a strong statement of what Beautiful truly is!!
What feelings arise in you when you wear or do not wear makeup?
Are you comfortable to wear a bare face?

Our mission is to change the perception of beauty. To change the way young women view themselves and change the way they are viewed by the world around them. Join us on the BeYoutiful journey.