Why Today Could Be the Best Day of Your Life

Why Today Could Be the Best Day of Your Life
The power of our minds is incredible. We are capable of changing a situation in the blink of an eye just by reassessing how we view it. If you wake up and decide that today isn’t going to be a good day, the likelihood is, that it won’t be. Yet, that same day could have been not just a good day, but a great day. If we decide to act in a positive way, that emotion won’t just make us feel better, but those around us too. By changing our perspectives and our actions, we can create a world that is a happier place for everyone. So how do you go about changing your mindset? Whilst a one-off day of positivity is achievable, shifting your perspectives for good can take some time, but with regular practice of these five steps you will get there.
Motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, once said ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’ Our behaviour is hugely influenced by those we spend time with, so make sure you spend that time with people who have attributes you admire, maybe they inspire you with their passion for sport, encourage you to try new things or are always there for you when you need them.
The language we use when we think about ourselves, our looks and our achievements can often be highly critical and by having these negative thoughts we are making unnecessary worries and obstacles. If we are to change our lives, we also need to change our mindsets. Start using language that encourages you to feel positive, tell yourself ‘I can do this’, ‘I am capable’ and ‘I am worthy’.
Social media can be a blessing and a curse. Its algorithm can manipulate us by preying on our insecurities, showing us videos encouraging us to eat less or act a certain way. However, if we stop interacting with that sort of content and begin engaging with content that makes us happy, our feed will change. So next time you see something that makes you feel insecure or negative, unfollow the account. If it’s something like TikTok, where it’s a FYP (for you page), don’t interact with the video because over time as you stop liking and commenting, those videos will gradually stop being suggested and instead will be replaced with content that you do interact with. So make sure you save your likes for the things that make you feel good.
Taking time for yourself is absolutely crucial in helping you grow as a person. It gives your brain time to gain perspective, helps with concentration and productivity and has been linked to increased creativity. Whilst saying no to plans can be difficult and we can feel like we’re letting people down, actually granting ourselves a break will in turn make us stronger, happier and more stable people to be around.
Everyone always talks about the big things: the exams, the first kisses, the parties, but that isn’t really what life's all about. It’s actually about all those small moments in between, when you’re waiting for the big things; that is actually your life. All those walks to school with your best friends, playing with your siblings in the park, having Sunday roast with your family - the everyday life, those are the moments to cherish. Make sure to take time to be thankful for all the goodness that there is in your life.
Whilst certain things may seem out of our control, how we react is in our control. By actively deciding that we are going to be positive, we create a mindset which allows us to not only nurture ourselves and others but to appreciate our surroundings. Shifting our thinking takes practise and some days it’ll be easier than others, but the more regularly we encourage these positive thoughts then the more natural it will become. By changing the way we think and act, we can decide the outcome of the days we have and in effect the life we live.
