Ten Steps To Self-Care

Is Not Selfish
What is it?
Taking time to give yourself what it is that you need and what your heart truly desires. This is what self-care is all about. Doing what makes YOU happy, not what other’s want you to do or be. This is the key to self-love, self-care and, ultimately, your happiness.
People practise self-care in lots of different ways. There are no rules and no right or wrong way to do it. Examples of self-care includes:
setting goals and working towards them. Progression, in even the smallest of ways, is a key ingredient to our fulfilment
doing things we love, and spending time with people who encourage us to be the best of who we are
Self-care is one of the most important things you can do and one of the kindest things you can give yourself. When we starve ourselves of self-care, we start to lose a sense of our true essence, who we really are deep down. This leads to not knowing what we need, putting the needs of others before our own, and settling for things that do not serve us. This slowly but surely drains away the positive energy that keeps us feeling content and happy. From here we cannot be at our best, we cannot make our best decisions and we cannot be the best for those around us.
There is a misconception that putting yourself first is selfish. It may seem so on the surface, but in truth, if you are not loved and happy, you have very little love and happiness to offer and share with others. As along as you have taken time to love and care for yourself, you will always have the time and energy to love and care for others.
If you want to fly, you must first let go of what is weighing you down. Learn to recognise what serves you in life and what does not. Embrace and nourish what does and learn to let go of what does not. It is you who is holding YOU back! Self-care is putting all of the above into practise and never forgetting to love yourself along the way. Love yourself and the world will love you too!

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