Women of Politics 2020-21

Women of Politics 2020-21
Possibly one of the most talked about US politicians besides Trump, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes has been a huge character in US politics since her election in 2019 and even before. A breath of fresh air and a stark contrast to those who have gone before her, she has proved herself to be the kind of politician that there aren’t enough of in this world. Constantly standing up for those often ignored, she has taken a clear stance on issues such as the corrupt political systems in place in the USA. These include the economic divide, sexual assault, and climate change. Her journey to congress was documented in Netflix’s award winning ‘Knock the House Down’, showing her impressive journey to an elected congresswoman, from working as a waitress and bartender. Her iconic confrontation of Mark Zuckerberg has amassed more than 6 million views; she boasts an impressive social media following, including 12.7 million on Twitter and 8.7 million on Instagram. All of this together makes her one of the most influential characters of 2020-21.
Although this one is not technically in the last year, it is still a notable mention. In December 2019, Finland elected a coalition government with all five elected parties headed by women, not to mention the world’s youngest current serving prime minister at the top, Sanna Marin.This achievement was not unusual for Finland, as it continues to lead the way in women rights after being the first country in Europe to allow women to vote in 1906. It is also one of the most progressive countries when it comes to working mothers.
Of course, we could not forget the iconic Jacinda Ardern. She is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, elected to her post in 2017 and re-elected in 2020, where she made headlines in her first election for being the youngest female Prime Minister. Her reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic makes her one of the most impressive political leaders of 2020-21. Although some doubted the strategy, and some say it weakened the economy, her controversial zero Covid policy worked to save lives, not the economy. Considering there are only 26 related deaths reported in New Zealand as of 22nd August 2021, I would say it worked. A zero Covid policy means that a country tries to completely eradicate Coronavirus. New Zealand went into lockdown with minimal cases, and only opened up 2 weeks after the last reported case, meaning there were absolutely no Covid cases in New Zealand. New Zealand was not the only country that chose a zero Covid policy, but it set the precedent for others. Despite the scepticism, she stayed committed to her plan, and that was admirable for the difficult situations of 2020-21.
On the 12th January 2021, the Scottish parliament passed the Period Products (free provision) bill into law that aimed to reduce period poverty by making period products such as pads or tampons free for those who need them. The woman who introduced the bill to parliament was Monica Lennon, a MSP (Member of Scottish Parliament) since 2016. She knows that period products are a basic necessity, and so it is important to provide these free for those who need them. Lennon worked alongside other organisations and activists to develop the legislation, but her work on the landmark bill makes her an influential woman in politics.
