Beauty Within

Beauty Within
Beauty is subjective. It’s a choice just like any other we make about ourselves, a personal power we all have the right to embrace. We shouldn't have to wait for a new trend, magazine or person to give us permission to start feeling beautiful. So why do we rely on the media, celebs and other people's opinions to decide beauty standards for us?
Everyday we are exposed to social media platforms which alter our views on every subject, ranging from tech to food to beauty. We can’t make a decision by ourselves without being influenced by social media. We over analyse every part of ourselves: destroying our self-esteem. Let's stop! We need to celebrate beauty by finding it from within. You and only you can determine what you feel, so giving yourself some tender loving care is crucial. You are perfect just by being you.
Don’t seek validation from anyone, all you need is self love. True happiness comes from within and to achieve that you need to love who you are, both inside and out. Creating a self-image that is flawless and perfect doesn't exist. You cannot create something that’s not meant to be. Embrace who you are, and focus on the beauty you bring into the world.
Join the I Am Beautiful community, and together we can empower and celebrate true beauty.
